Revision 2 is ready, the first had a number of problems that have been fixed up now, including the glitching display issue. I changed the output nodes to output a pulse when the content of the display buffer changes plus a Text output of what it holds at a given time; this seems more useful for interfacing with other patch nodes than the generic “Done” pulse output when a transaction finishes it had before, you can have an “equals” node set to trigger when a given substring is detected and cause the display to do something else (I’ve done this in the example patch.) I’ve altered and cleaned up the character set a bit currently every letter of the alphablet should be more-or-less representable except for “X” so ah, just don’t use that one.
XOD 7 segment LED display patch in action
7SegmentLED_rev_2_11-22-18.xodball (39.4 KB)