Please look THIS error. What is the cause of it ?
The same board ( Arduino UNO ) was working on my other computer.
Error: exec: “C:\Users\Beelink BT3 Pro\xod\packages\packages\arduino\tools\avr-gcc\4.9.2-atmel3.5.4-arduino2/bin/avr-g++”: file does not exist
Compilation failed.
Compilation failed
Command C:\Program Files\XOD IDE\resources\arduino-cli.exe --config-file=C:\Users\BEELIN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-cliTzSOtR\.cli-config.yml compile --fqbn arduino:avr:uno --verbose C:\Users\BEELIN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\xod_temp_sketchbookVjcmdf\xod_1574707285365_sketch failed with code 1
The generated C++ code contains errors. It can be due to a bad node implementation or if your board is not compatible with XOD runtime code. The original compiler error message is above. Fix C++ errors to continue. If you believe it is a bug, report the problem to XOD developers.
there was a problem in previous versions, when the name of the “user” contained spaces. I don’t know if that changed in the new version, try a user without that
The spaces in your username (Beelink BT3 Pro) are causing the problem. The developers have fixed this issue in the next release. Try the prerelease version:
I need to investigate it, but probably the problem is in the 8.3 filenames: “BEELIN~1” instead of “Beelink BT3 Pro”.
Please, check out your workspace path and tell me:
Does this folder exist: C:\Users\Beelink BT3 Pro\xod\packages\packages\arduino
Can you find out avr-g++ file here: C:\Users\Beelink BT3 Pro\xod\packages\packages\arduino\tools\avr-gcc\4.9.2-atmel3.5.4-arduino2/bin/?
Also, if you installed the package before you switched to prerelease 0.31.2, try to switch the workspace to the new clean directory and try again.
Yes . Arduino folder exist.
File avr-g++ exactly on own place .
I can not understand what mins " switch the workspace. " Is it folder " avr-g++ " ?
How it can remain if I ' v been deleting the previous version ?
Yes , the error occur only on uploading.
How can I install package not properly ?
Today, on notebook, I had to install list boards not properly ( with some errors ) , but all working.
Maybe the matter is that I have a folder “Пользователи” instead " Users "?
I’m sure that the problem is in “8.3 filenames”, which transforms your username from “Beelink BT3 Pro” into “BEELIN~1”, probably because your username contains spaces. And it looks like a problem inside of arduino-cli tool
I’m not sure. But try to create a new user with a short name and without spaces. And try to reproduce the bug. Please, tell us does it help or not. It will help us to fix the bug.
About workspace. Yes, this is a folder, by default it is in your home directory (C:/Users/<username>/xod). It contains your projects, installed packages, tools and third-party libraries. Probably some may went wrong during the installation of the tools, so you can try to delete __packages__ folder and try to install it again. Or just switch to the new workspace.
To switch workspace use a main menu of the IDE: File -> Switch Workspace. And then select another one folder (you have to create it first), select “Create”.
May be I did something wrong ? Selecting Create, I received the next message.
EPERM: operation not permitted, open ‘C:\Users\xodide.xodworkspace’
The error has no formatter, which is a bug. Report the issue to XOD developers.
Else, I will try to rename the folder of the username. If it will be necessary.
Excuse me . I did not catch . What the use change directory of the workspace into a hole folder? … Oh ! IT ’ S WORKING ! ( C:\xod\ … ) !
Matt Wayland and Kirill Shumilov . Thank you!
gracias, señor cesars ! muy agradecido !
Begin compiling code for the board Arduino Mega or Mega 2560
Error during build: exec: “/bin/avr-g++”: file does not exist
И как с этим говном бороться? где именно он не видит файл? Где-то можно вручную пути прописать?
Depends which file is missing. After installing (or updating) XOD, you will need internet access on the first compile so XOD can download AVR Tools to compile for your specific Arduino board. This seems to be the most frequent cause for missing files on compile. There are other threads for manually installing those tools if you can’t get internet access on the box you are using for XOD.
Not much more we can do to help without the specific error message. If copying errors from compile window, be sure to scroll back far enough to get the first error, and not just copy the “an error occurred above” message from the bottom of the output.