Hello to everyone, I am relatively new to Arduino but can not survive without XOD so thank you for the great tool and only way i know how to build a project as i cant get to grips with the script stuff.
Is it possible for someone to make me a node / library for the I2C sensor found at the mentioned link?
I would be greatly appreciative if someone could help as I don’t have a clue how to do it.
Thank you,
Hi Jason,
I don’t have one of these devices, but since they are so simple, I thought I’d try to create a library:
This library compiles, so hopefully it will work for you!
Thank you very much, I will try it after work and get back to you with the results. I wish everyone used XOD as I think it is a great tool.
Hi Matt,
I have managed to test the node you made and it works great, Cesars also made one which works the same just with a faster resolution I think. I will share my project when I finish it, at the moment its a bit like spiders web…
Thanks again,